Liste des insectes associés au Vitellaria paradoxa C. E Gaertner, au Centre et au Nord du Bénin

Sampling event
Latest version published by Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FAST) on Jun 27, 2021 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FAST)
Publication date:
27 June 2021
CC-BY 4.0

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Inventaire et dénombrement des insectes associés au Vitellaria paradoxa C. E Gaertner, au Centre et au Nord du Bénin en vue d'une protection phytosanitaire

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Tovide N. S., 2021. Liste des insectes associés au Vitellaria paradoxa C. E Gaertner, au Centre et au Nord du Bénin


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FAST). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: bc5d60dd-d3ff-4928-81e2-8a08ae489f59.  Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FAST) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Benin.


Samplingevent; Insect; Benin; West Africa


Noel Senou TOVIDE
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Faculté des Sciences Techniques
+229 Abomey-Calavi
  • 96101942

Geographic Coverage

Savé, Bembereke, Tchaorou, Bénin

Bounding Coordinates South West [9.668, 2.171], North East [10.042, 2.692]

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 0007-01-31 / 0007-04-02

Project Data

Through key objectives, this project is designed to overcome the challenge of lack of capacities in Africa: Objective 1: Build in-depth capacities in biodiversity informatics to students in masters program: At least 20 Beninese students and 10 students of other nationalities will be yearly recruited and fully capacitated in the program (Months 4, 16, 28 and beyond the project) (Output 1). The courses will be recorded and shared worldwide (Outcome 4). Objective 2: Build capacities in biodiversity informatics to other GBIF Benin partners (students and professionals): Through workshops, at least, each year, 50 other GBIF Benin partners will be trained in relevant topics of biodiversity informatics (Months 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 34 and beyond) (Output 5) Objective 3: Fill data gaps in priority thematic areas of Benin and other countries involved in the project: Trained students will achieve data gaps analysis in priority thematic areas (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 6) and contribute to fill data gaps (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 7). Objective 4: Use data to develop appropriate products to inform decisions on biodiversity conservation: Trained students will use data to address needs of information (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 8) and largely disseminate the results via multimedia (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 9). Project Objective 5: Enhance staff development: We will provide internship opportunities to strengthen capacities of national trainers and most brilliant students to enable them to sustainably carry on the training of students in the program

Title Regional graduate course for capacity development in biodiversity informatics in Africa
Funding The funding of this project is generously provided by JRS Biodiversity Foundation (
Study Area Description Actually in Benin, we estimate that there are 400 – 600 working biodiversity information scientists in public and private agencies. With few exceptions, the situation is not much different in the rest of African countries. Those biodiversity information scientists usually base their decisions - of biodiversity conservation - on floristic and faunistic compositions of ecosystems and related communities as well as on ecology, ethology and habitat characteristics of different species. This approach becomes limiting to conserve efficiently and sustainably biodiversity in the actual threatening context of climate and global changes exacerbated by diverse pressures on biodiversity. To overcome that limitation, we rather need a critical mass of scientists with sound knowledge in biodiversity informatics to achieve relevant results on spatial distributions, ecological niches… of species and different biota to inform decisions on priority areas of biodiversity. In order to develop a trained cohort to meet national needs, we believe that Benin needs to train at least an additional 20 master students. Additionally, training each year at least 10 other masters and advanced students from different African countries, will result in progressive but efficient creation of homes of biodiversity informatics to enhance biodiversity conservation and sustainable uses throughout Africa.
Design Description The work plan of the project is presented per objective: Objective 1: Build in-depth capacities in biodiversity informatics to students in masters program We will recruit students every year (Activity 1) at least 20 Beninese students and 10 students of other nationalities (Months 4, 16, 28 and beyond) (Output 1).Students will be fully trained in relevant topics of biodiversity informatics by national and international experts (Months 1-36 and beyond) (Activity 2) so that, after two years of training, at least 80% of students successfully graduate (Months 18, 30 and beyond) (Output 2). The courses will be recorded and shared (Months 1-36) (Activity 3) to enable worldwide use and reuse (Outcome 3). Objective 2: Build capacities in biodiversity informatics to other GBIF Benin partners (students and professionals) Here, we will enhance, through one Professional Skills Workshop per year, capacity buildings to other GBIF Benin partners (Months 6, 18, 30and beyond) (Activity 4) by training yearly, at least 50 of them in relevant topics of biodiversity informatics (Output 4). Therefore, data gap analysis, data collection, and data uses will be promoted (Outcome 4). Objective 3: Whenever deemed relevant, identify and fill data gaps in priority thematic areas of Benin and other countries involved in the project Whenever relevant, trained students will achieve data gaps analysis (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Activity 5) in at least 3 priority thematic areas of their respective countries (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 5); they will then collect and publish data (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Activity 6) to fill the gaps identified (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 5). Therefore, data gap analysis, data collection, and data uses will be promoted (Outcome 4). Objective 4: Use data to develop appropriate products to inform decisions on biodiversity conservation To attain that objective, trained students will use data (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Activity 7) to address needs of information (species, biota spatial distributions and niche models…) to support biodiversity conservation (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 7). We will then, through Communication and Outreach Workshops (1 per year), achieve communication and outreach (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Activity 8) to largely disseminate the products developed, in government agencies, NGOs, universities, private sectors… (Months 12 – 36 and beyond) (Output 8). Therefore, detailed and data products developed will be promoted in decision making (Outcome 5). Objective 5: Enhance staff development Here, we will provide internship opportunities to national trainers and most brilliant students to strengthen their capacities so that they can reliably carry on the training of students (Months 1 – 36 and beyond) (Activity 9) to sustain in the program (Outcome 7)

The personnel involved in the project:

GANGLO Jean Cossi
  • Point Of Contact

Sampling Methods

Random sampling

Study Extent Center and North of Benin

Method step description:

  1. Identification of species and geographic coordinate taking

Bibliographic Citations

  1. De Souza S. ,1988.Flore du Bénin (Tome 3). Akoègninou A. et al., 2006. Flore analytique du Bénin.

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers bc5d60dd-d3ff-4928-81e2-8a08ae489f59