Species composition in twelve (12) Afzelia africana Sm & Pers populations in Benin. Data mobilized in the framework of the BID-AF2015-0030-SMA project of Isidore Amahowe

Latest version published by GBIF Benin on Sept 7, 2016 GBIF Benin
Publication date:
7 September 2016
Published by:
GBIF Benin
CC-BY 4.0

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We collected all the plant species including tree and herbaceous species within twelve (12) poulations of Afzelia africana in two different climatic zones in Benin (Sudanian and Sudano-Guinean zones).

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 426 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.

How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Amahowé I., Affoukou C., Natta A. K., Gaoué O., Moutouama J., Houéssou L. G., Assongba M. 2016. Species composition of twelve (12) populations Afzelia africana in Benin. These data are mobilized through a small grant entitled: BID-AF2015-0030-SMA


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is GBIF Benin. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: c58954ee-dd85-406a-a328-2cfe60c65145.  GBIF Benin publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Benin.


Occurrence; Species composition; Dendrometric measurement; Observation; Species composition; Dendrometric measurement


Ogoudje Isidore AMAHOWE
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • User
  • Point Of Contact
  • Researcher
229 Cotonou
  • 22994507890
Christian AFFOUKOU
  • Originator
229 Cotonou
  • 22997460244
Armand K. NATTA
  • Originator
University of Parakou, Laboratory of Ecology, Botanic and plant Biology
  • 22997763438

Geographic Coverage

We collected all the plant species including tree and herbaceous species within twelve (12) poulations of Afzelia africana in two different climatic zones in Benin (Sudanian and Sudano-Guinean zones).

Bounding Coordinates South West [6.5, 1], North East [12.5, 3.67]

Taxonomic Coverage

No Description available

Kingdom Plantae

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2015-10-10 / 2015-10-14

Additional Metadata